We are open for business.
The Law Office of Dionna Reynolds, LLC has taken several proactive measures to address the challenges that COVID-19 brings and avoid any disruption to our services.
1. Office is open for appointment only. Our office remains open for scheduled appointments only. Call (708-981-3344) or email our office for more details.
2. Delivery of documents. Although our office is open, most documents can be faxed our emailed. If you need to drop off original documents that cannot be faxed or emailed, please use our secured mail box at the front of our office. We will be checking mail regularly. Please notify us via email if you have delivered documents to the office.
3. We will remain available by email, telephone and text message. Although we are open, most of the office is operating remotely. In this case, you may receive a phone call from our personal cell phones. We ask if you need to reach us, please contact us through the office phone number and not our personal cell phones.
4. We will continue to schedule consultations for all new matters and clients. However, all consultations will be over the phone. If you would like to retain our services for a new matter, we will send an engagement agreement to you via email so that you can respond from the convenience of your phone or computer.
5. We will be scheduling appointments to execute estate planning documents. During these uncertain times estate planning is an essential financial service. We will follow all state and federal recommendations and mandates regarding social distancing. See COVID-19 Signing Appointment Notice.
6. We will be providing notary services. If you need a notary during this time, we ask that you contact our office to schedule an appointment. See COVID-19 Signing Appointment Notice.
7. We will continue to have real estate closings. However, as the title companies have requested attorneys refrain from attending unless necessary, we will plan to handle your closings remotely. See COVID-19 Real Estate Closing Advisory.